How to Make Espresso with Instant Coffee: A Professional Guide

You can start your day with a delicious and comforting cup of coffee made at home. However, not everyone has access to an espresso machine or has the time and money to invest in one. Luckily, espresso can actually be made with instant coffee and it’s a quick and easy way to regulate your caffeine intake.

To prepare your morning drink, you will need some necessary tools and ingredients. These include instant coffee, nearly boiling water, and cups. You can also use a whisk or spoon to mix the beans and water together until the beans dissolve. The key to making a good cup of espresso with instant espresso is using the right amount of coffee and water and making sure the granules are completely dissolved. Let’s explore with Aspect Coffee Works how to make espresso with instant coffee.

The Basics of Espresso Coffee

The Basics of Espresso Coffee
The Basics of Espresso Coffee

I adore coffee, and nothing beats a nice dose of caffeine in the morning. Espresso is a strong and bold coffee that is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground and dark-roasted beans at high pressure. The result is a small, quick sip of coffee with a thick layer of crema on top, which is the hallmark of a well-made espresso.

Espresso has a unique taste, aroma, and texture that sets it apart from other coffee drinks. It is the base of many coffee drinks, such as cappuccinos, lattes, and Americanos. Espresso is known for its rich and bold flavour, as well as its intense aroma.

To make a perfect demitasse, you need to use the right amount of coffee and water and extract the coffee at the right temperature and pressure. The standard demitasse is usually 1-1.5 ounces and takes about 25-30 seconds to extract. The ideal temperature for brewing espresso is between 195-205°F, and the ideal pressure is between 8-10 bars.

Espresso is not only a delicious drink, but it also has some health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and can boost your metabolism and energy levels. However, it is important to drink espresso in moderation as it contains caffeine, which can cause jitters and insomnia if consumed in excess.

Now that you know the basics of espresso coffee, let’s move on to how to use coffee powder to create espresso.

Materials Needed to Make an Espresso with Instant Coffee at Home

Materials Needed to Make an Espresso with Instant Coffee at Home
Materials Needed to Make an Espresso with Instant Coffee at Home

To make an espresso with instant coffee, you will need a few materials. Here are the essential materials you will need:

Make Instant Coffee

The first thing you will need is instant coffee. You can choose any brand of it that you like. It is recommended to use high-quality instant coffee to get the best taste. You will need 2-4 teaspoons of instant coffee for a single or double shot of espresso.

Espresso Machine

To make coffee in the house, you will need an espresso machine. You can choose a manual or automatic machine. If you are on a budget, you can also use a stovetop espresso maker. An espresso maker will help you achieve the right pressure to make a perfect drink.

Coffee Mug

You will need a coffee mug to hold your concentrated beverage. Make sure to choose a cup that can hold the quantity of coffee you are making. These drinks are usually 1-2 ounces, so choose a small cup that can hold this amount.


Water is an essential ingredient in preparing this flavour drink. You will need nearly boiling water to make coffee instantaneously and an espresso shot. Make sure to use fresh and clean water to get the best taste.

You may quickly and simply create a hot beverage at home with these ingredients and a ready-made drink.

Step-by-Step Process to Make the Perfect Espresso Shot

Step-by-Step Process to Make the Perfect Espresso Shot
Step-by-Step Process to Make the Perfect Espresso Shot

As a coffee lover, I understand the importance of a good concentrated drink to start the day. But what if you don’t have access to a strong coffee maker? No worries! I have found a way to make the perfect drink with instant brew. Follow these simple steps to enjoy a delicious beverage from the comfort of your home.


Before you start brewing your beverage, it’s essential to prepare everything you need. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Instant coffee
  • Water
  • A stovetop espresso maker or a Moka pot
  • A cup
  • A spoon

Once you have everything you need, it’s time to start brewing.


  1. Fill the bottom chamber of your stovetop espresso maker or Moka pot with water. Make sure not to fill it above the safety valve.
  2. Add one tablespoon of instant caffeine to the filter basket.
  3. Use the back of a spoon to level the coffee grinds in the filter basket.
  4. Screw the top chamber onto the bottom chamber and place it on your stovetop over medium heat.
  5. Wait for the water to boil and for the coffee to start brewing. It should take about 5-7 minutes.
  6. Once you hear a gurgling sound, remove the espresso maker from the heat.
  7. Pour it into a cup.


Now that your drink is ready, it’s time to serve it. Here are a few serving tips:

  • Serve hot for the best flavour, so drink it immediately.
  • You can add sugar or milk to your preference if you prefer.
  • Remember, this concentrated drink is also the base for many drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

And there you have it! A simple and easy way to make a strong beverage with instant caffeine. Enjoy your delicious and energizing drink any time of the day.

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks

Choosing the Right Instant Coffee

Selecting the proper sort of coffee is crucial when creating a beverage with pre-made coffee. Look for a dark roast, finely ground instant coffee. This type of coffee will have a stronger flavour and aroma, which is necessary to mimic the taste of authentic espresso. Some popular instant caffeine brands that work well for this purpose are Folgers, Starbucks Via, and Mount Hagen Organic Instant Coffee.

Adjusting Water Temperature

The water temperature plays a crucial role in making the perfect cup of instant coffee. It is recommended to use water that is between 195°F and 205°F. If the water is too hot, it can burn the coffee and make it taste bitter. On the other hand, if the water is not hot enough, the coffee will not extract properly, resulting in a weak and flavourless drink.

Serving Suggestions

Espresso with instant java can be served in various ways, depending on your preference. Some people like to drink it black, while others prefer to add milk or cream. You can also add sugar or sweetener to taste. For a more authentic espresso experience, serve it in a demitasse cup, which is a small cup that is specifically designed for espresso.

Overall,  this coffee recipe is a great way to enjoy a quick and easy cup of drink without the need for an expensive espresso machine. With the right type of instant coffee, water temperature, and serving suggestions, you can create a delicious and satisfying cup of caffeine right at home.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When making this special drink, there are a few common mistakes to avoid to ensure that you end up with a delicious and satisfying cup of espresso. Here are some of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them:

Using Too Much Water

One of the most common mistakes when using instant coffee to create espresso. is using too much water. This can result in a weak and diluted espresso that lacks flavour and intensity. To avoid this mistake, be sure to measure the amount of water you use carefully. A good rule of thumb is to use one ounce of water for a solo shot and two ounces of water for a double shot.

Using Too Little Instant Coffee

Using too little instant coffee is another common mistake that can result in a lack of flavour and intensity in your espresso at home. To avoid this mistake, be sure to measure the amount of instant coffee you use carefully. A good rule of thumb is to use 2 teaspoons of instant coffee for a solo shot and four tablespoons for a double shot.

Not Dissolving the Instant Coffee Properly

Another common mistake when preparing instant coffee is with not dissolving the granules properly. This can result in a grainy texture in your drink that is not pleasant to drink. To avoid this mistake, be sure to dissolve granules completely before adding the water. You can do this by mixing the instant java with cold water before adding hot water.

Using Low-Quality Instant Coffee

Finally, using poor-quality instant java can also result in a less-than-satisfying cup of coffee. To avoid this mistake, be sure to choose a superior instant java that is rich and flavourful. Look for instant coffee that is made from 100% Arabica beans, as these beans are known for their rich and complex flavour profile.

How to make espresso with a French press

How to make espresso with a French press
How to make espresso with a French press

If you don’t have an espresso maker, you can still enjoy a rich and flavourful beverage with a French press. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Boil some water. You want it to be just below boiling temperature, around 195°F.
  2. Grind your instant beans to a fine consistency. You’ll need to add 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to every cup of water.
  3. Add the coffee grinds to the French press and pour roughly half the water in. Let it steep for one minute.
  4. Pour in the remaining water and stir it a bit.
  5. Put the lid and filter back on the French press and let it steep for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Slowly press down the plunger to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid.

You may now enjoy your excellent and simple-to-make morning glory on its own or as a foundation for other coffee-based cocktails. Remember that the quality of the coffee beans will greatly affect the taste of your perfect coffee, so use a ready-made beverage of superior grade for the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare espresso with instant coffee?

To make this drink, you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of it with 1 oz of hot water for a single shot or 4 tablespoons of instant java with 2 oz of hot water for a double shot. Mix it with cold water before adding hot water to get a smoother texture. Use a whisk or spoon to mix the coffee and water together until the coffee beans have dissolved. Pour the mixture into a mug and enjoy your drink.

What is the difference between espresso and black coffee?

It is a concentrated shot of coffee made by forcing hot water through finely-ground and dark-roasted Arabica beans at high pressure. The result is a small shot of coffee with a thick layer of crema on top, which is the hallmark of a well-made espresso. Dark coffee, on the other hand, is made by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans and allowing it to brew. The resulting coffee is less concentrated than espresso and has a milder flavour.

Can I make espresso using instant coffee?

Yes, you can prepare the caffeine using instant beverages. While it may not have the same flavour profile as espresso made from freshly ground beans, it can still give you a quick caffeine fix when you don’t have access to a java brewer or fresh grounds.

What are the benefits of drinking black coffee over espresso?

It is a great source of antioxidants and can help improve cognitive function, boost metabolism, and aid in weight loss. It is also a low-calorie beverage that can help you stay hydrated throughout the day. While strong coffee can provide a quick energy boost, it is not as beneficial as dark coffee when it comes to overall health benefits.


In conclusion, preparing a strong drink with instant coffee is a quick and easy way to enjoy a strong cup of coffee by yourself. You can try instant coffee to make concentrated coffee that is flavourful and rich by following the easy instructions provided in this article.

Recall that the key to creating an excellent espresso with beans is to use premium instant coffee and to check that the water is at the right temperature. Additionally, using a frother or whisk can help to create a creamy and frothy texture that is similar to traditional espresso.

Overall, this beverage is a great option for those who want to enjoy the taste of espresso without investing in an expensive espresso device or grinder. With a little practice and experimentation, you can create a delicious cup of coffee that rivals your favourite coffee shop.

To summarize, here are the main points to keep in mind when creating this beverage:

  • Use premium soluble java
  • Ensure that the water is at the right temperature
  • Use a frother or whisk to create a creamy and frothy texture
  • Experiment with different ratios of coffee to water to find the perfect balance for your taste

You may use instantaneous coffee to make a tasty and fulfilling cup of espresso by implementing these suggestions. So why not give it a try and see how easy it can be to enjoy a great cup of coffee at home?

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