How to Make Coffee Camping: A Friendly Guide

If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you know that a good cup of coffee is essential to start your day off right. But what happens when you’re out in the wilderness, far from your favorite coffee shop or even a kitchen? Fear not, my fellow coffee lovers! Making camp coffee is easier than you might think.

So, how to make coffee camping? Various methods exist, from instant coffee packets to elaborate camp coffee makers. The method you choose will depend on your personal preferences, how much space and weight you’re willing to carry, and how much time you have to spare.

In this article, Aspect Coffee Works will share my preferred methods for brewing the best coffee in the great outdoors, be it deep into the wilderness or at a campsite while car camping. So grab your camping gear, and let’s start brewing!

Choosing Your Coffee Brewing Method

Choosing Your Coffee Brewing Method
Choosing Your Coffee Brewing Method

There are several methods available, and each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your needs the best.

Instant Coffee

Instant coffee is the quickest and easiest way to prepare perfect coffee within a camping outing. All you need to do is add hot water to the freshly ground coffee powder, stir, and your coffee is ready. This method is perfect for those who are always on the go or who don’t want to spend too much time preparing coffee.

Coffee Bags

Another easy way to make coffee is to use coffee bags. These are similar to tea bags, but they contain coffee instead of tea. Simply place the bag in a cup, add hot water, and let it steep for a few minutes. This method is perfect for those who prefer a more traditional coffee taste.

Portable Espresso Coffee Grinder

If you’re a fan of espresso and want to make an Americano, then a portable espresso coffee grinder is the perfect option for you. This method requires a little more effort, but the result is worth it. Simply grind your coffee beans, add hot water, and use a manual espresso maker or an Aeropress coffee maker to create a delicious cup of espresso.

French Press

The French press is a classic method that is perfect for camping. It’s easy to use and produces a rich and flavorful coffee cup. To brew using this method, simply add coffee grounds and hot water to the press, let it steep for a few minutes, and then press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the coffee.

No matter which method you choose, make sure to bring along high-quality coffee beans and a reliable percolator coffee maker. With a little preparation, you can enjoy a delicious cup.

Packing Essentials for Coffee Camping

Packing Essentials for Coffee Camping
Packing Essentials for Coffee Camping

When preparing coffee during a camping experience, having the right gear is essential. Here are the five packing essentials you’ll need to make a great cup of coffee in the nice outdoors.


First and foremost, you’ll need quality coffee. Whether you prefer beans from specialty coffee roasters, pre-ground coffee, or whole beans that you can grind on-site, make sure to bring enough for the duration of your trip. A good rule of thumb is to bring two tablespoons of coffee per six ounces of water.


Water is the most important ingredient in coffee making, so make sure to bring plenty of it. If you’re camping in an area with access to clean water, you can bring a water filter or purification tablets to ensure your water is safe to drink. Alternatively, you can bring your water supply in a reusable camp mug.

Heat Source

You’ll need a way to heat your water, and the kind of camp stove you choose makes a difference. A campfire is a classic choice, but you can also use a camping stove or portable propane burner. Make sure to bring enough fuel to last for the duration of your trip.

Coffee Brewer

There are several ways to brew, each with its pros and cons. Some popular options include:

  • French press: This is a classic method that produces a rich and full-bodied cup.
  • Pour-over: A pour-over is a simple and lightweight option that produces a clean and flavorful coffee.
  • Aeropress: Aeropress is a portable and versatile option that can produce a wide range of coffee styles, from strong espresso-like shots to smooth and mellow cups.

Choose the method that works best for you and make sure to bring all the necessary equipment.

Coffee Mug

Finally, you’ll need a mug to enjoy your freshly brewed coffee. Look for a durable and lightweight camp coffee mug option that can withstand the rigors of camping. Consider a mug with a lid to keep your coffee hot and prevent spills.

With these five packing essentials, along with your trusty coffee pot, you’ll be well on your way to making delicious coffee.

How to Make Coffee Camping? Essential Tips

How to Make Coffee Camping? Essential Tips
How to Make Coffee Camping? Essential Tips

Camping is one of the best ways to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy nature. But for many coffee lovers, the idea of going without their morning cup of joe can be daunting. Fortunately, preparing coffee during a camping trip is easier than you might think. In this section, I will show you how to make great coffee with a few simple steps, ensuring a delightful coffee experience amidst the serene outdoors.

Boiling Water

To begin, the first step is to heat cold water to make. You can do this using a camp stove, a fire, or even a portable water heater. If you are using a camp stove or fire, follow all safety precautions and never leave your fire unattended. Once your water is boiling, remove it from the heat source and let it cool for a minute or two before brewing your coffee. 

Brewing the Coffee

There are many ways to prepare coffee during camping, incorporating the essentials of water and some coffee grounds, but some methods are easier and more convenient than others. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Instant Coffee: This method is the most straightforward and easiest way to make camping coffee. Simply add hot water and stir. You can even find single-serve packets that are great for camping.
  • Pour-Over Coffee: If you prefer a more traditional drip coffee, a collapsible pour-over maker is a great option. Simply place a filter with grounds inside, pour hot water over the grounds, and let it drip into your cup.
  • French Press: Another popular option for camping is a French press. Simply add coffee to the press, pour hot water over the grounds, wait a few minutes, and press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the coffee.

Enjoying Your Coffee

Once your coffee is brewed, it’s time to sit back, relax, and learn how to make the most of your cup of joe. If you’re camping with friends or family, consider sharing a pot of coffee and enjoying the great outdoors together. And don’t forget to pack out any used coffee grounds and dispose of them properly to help protect the environment.

Cleaning Up After Brewed Camp Coffee

Cleaning Up After Brewed Camp Coffee
Cleaning Up After Brewed Camp Coffee

Preparing coffee during a camping trip can be a bit messy, but tidying up doesn’t need to be a hassle. Here are some tips to make cleaning your coffee equipment a breeze.

Disposing of Coffee Grounds

After brewing your coffee, it’s important to dispose of the grounds properly. Don’t just dump them on the ground, as they can harm the environment and attract animals. Instead, pack them out with the rest of your trash or dispose of them in a designated trash can.

If you’re using a French press or other maker that produces a lot of grounds, consider using a mesh strainer to remove as much of the grounds as possible before disposing of them. This will make clean-up easier and prevent clogs in your plumbing.

Cleaning Your Coffee Brewer

Cleaning your coffee brewer is important to prevent mold and bacteria growth. Here’s how to clean different types of makers:

French Press

Disassemble the press, brew chamber, and rinse out all the parts with hot water. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any coffee residue. If the plunger is difficult to press down, it may need to be disassembled and cleaned more thoroughly.

Pour Over

Rinse the filter and carafe with hot water. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any coffee residue. If the filter is clogged, soak it in hot water and vinegar for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.


Disassemble the percolator and rinse out all the parts with hot water. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any coffee residue. If the percolator is difficult to disassemble, run hot water through it several times to remove any residue.

With these simple tips, cleaning up after brewing will be a breeze.

Alternative Methods

Alternative Methods
Alternative Methods

When brewing your favorite cup in the great outdoors, there are plenty of alternative methods that can be used. Here are a few methods that I have personally used and recommend:

Pour Over Coffee

Pour-over coffee is a simple and lightweight option that produces a clean and flavorful cup. Use a collapsible pour-over maker, place a filter with grounds inside, pour hot water over the grounds, and let it drip into your cup.

Cowboy Coffee

Cowboy coffee is a simple and classic way. All you need is a pot, water, and coffee. Simply add the grounds to the pot of water and bring it to a boil. Once it has boiled for a few minutes, remove it from the heat and let it sit for a few more minutes to let the grounds settle. Pour the coffee into your mug and enjoy.

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee offers another flavorful option for campsite brewing. It requires a special pot called a cezve and finely ground coffee. Simply add the coffee and water to the cezve and heat it over a campfire or stove. Once it starts to foam up, remove it from the heat and let it settle. Repeat this process a few times before pouring it into your mug.

Moka Pot & Portable Espresso Makers

If you prefer a more robust and strong coffee, a Moka pot or portable espresso maker might be the way to go. These devices use pressure to brew coffee and produce a shot of espresso or a small cup. They are small and portable, making them perfect for camping. Simply add water and coffee to the device and heat it over a campfire or stove. Once it is done brewing, pour it into your mug and enjoy.

Overall, there are plenty of alternative coffee methods. Whether you prefer a classic cup of cowboy coffee or a strong shot of espresso, there is a method that will work for you.


This can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a little bit of preparation and the right tools, you can enjoy the best camping coffee on your next adventure in the great outdoors, even during solo camping adventures. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right brewing method for your needs. Whether you prefer the convenience of instant coffee, the rich flavor of French press coffee, the robust taste of stovetop coffee using a Moka pot, or the simplicity of a coffee press, there’s a method to suit every camper.
  • Invest in a quality maker. Look for a durable and lightweight option that can withstand the rigors of the outdoors. Consider factors like size, ease of use, and portability when making your selection.
  • Don’t forget the accessories. From filters and grinders to mugs and thermoses, having the right accessories can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying your coffee on the go.
  • Make your own coffee brewing experience more enjoyable with the right gear and methods. Be mindful of your impact on the environment. When camping, practicing Leave No Trace principles and minimizing your impact on the natural environment is important. Consider using biodegradable coffee filters and packing out your used grounds to reduce waste.

Overall, camp coffee making can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can enjoy a delicious cup of camp coffee while enjoying the great outdoors.

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